Softex Natural Cool+ 36cm
8 pads
Why Softex?
Let’s discover more on Softex benefits for you!
What goes in our products?
Ingredient | Purpose |
Wood Pulp | The main component of this period panty. In our absorbent hygiene products, it helps absorb wetness and store it away. |
Polypropylene | A commonly used polymer to make high performance soft fibers and films. We use it to deliver softness, breathability, and protection which enhances overall comfort & performance of the product. |
Polyethylene | A commonly used polymer to make high performance soft fibers and films. We use it to deliver softness, breathability, and protection which enhances overall comfort & performance of the product. |
Polyurethane elastic | A material with stretch that provides a great fit and helps prevent leakage. |
Adhesives | Adhesives are made up of thermoplastic polymers. These are used to bind several components of panty together, ensuring no bunching / breaking while use. The adhesives are used away from user’s skin. |
Colorants | Pigments and colorants are used to provide the colors and designs seen on our products. The amounts we use per product are very small and are evaluated to ensure they are safe and non-sensitizing. |
Tissue | Used to improve absorbent core strength. It improves the dryness feel of the product. |
Printing Inks | Printing inks are used to provide a decorative design. The colorants and pigments we use are evaluated to ensure they are safe and non-sensitizing. |
Sodium Polyacrylate | A superabsorbent sugar like granules when absorb fluid, becomes gel. A gel that locks away liquid and provides drier feel to the surface of skin. |
Polyester | A common fiber found in many fabrics or textiles. We use it in our products to deliver absorption, softness, comfort, and protection. |
Frequently Asked Questions

Kadaluwarsa produk Softex adalah 2 tahun setelah tanggal produksi. Untuk tanggal produk silahkan cek di kemasan ya.
Untuk saat ini ukuran pembalut Softex yang paling panjang adalah Softex Comfort Night 42cm dan Softex Maternity dengan panjang 45cm. Selain pembalut, ada juga Softex Celana Menstruasi dengan 360 derajat protection dan daya serap 3x lebih banyak dari pembalut biasa
Saat ini produk Softex sudah teredia di Shopee,, Tokopedia dan (Akun Official Softex Indonesia).
Kamu bisa mendapatkan produk Softex di Alfamart, Indomaret, Supermarket terdekat dan melalui Official Store Softex Indonesia di seluruh e-commerce
Softex Natural Cool mengandung kombinasi 2 bahan Alami:
• Ekstrak daun mint : memberikan sensasi dingin yang alami,
cegah lembab
• Ekstrak daun sirih : mengandung antiseptik alami, hambat
bakteri & cegah bau
Ya, Softex Natural Cool dengan sensasi dingin yang alami aman
digunakan untuk kulit sensitif wanita, karena sudah teruji klinis di
Australia, dan sudah bersertifikasi HALAL
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